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Telehealth has been available since 2015 for those in rural and remote areas in Australia.  Sally-Anne has been working for many years in a rural area, and some clients have taken advantage of being able to book a psychology session any day of the week, rather than it being restricted to the one day per week she is able to visit the area.

More recently, with COVID-19 Medicare has now permitted everyone to access this service (for a limited period of time).  It is a unique opportunity for children, teens and adults to have access to their clinical psychologist without leaving their homes!

We currently use Microsoft Teams, FaceTime or Google Duo, but with further information on security, these platforms may change. 

Research has now shown that Telehealth is at least as successful as face-to-face sessions, and some reports indicate that it can be better!  From a clinical point of view, Sally-Anne has found that after an initial awkwardness for some, her clients have been more relaxed, and have the opportunity to show some of their personal items or spaces if they want to.

If you have any questions about how this might benefit you at this time, please contact us.